Andrea von Troschke MFT, ATR, BCPC Phone: 310-569-0106 Email: [email protected] 11911 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 280 Angeles CA 90049 Psychotherapy/Individuals & Couples Hypnotherapy Art Therapy
Contact and location information
You can reach me best by leaving a phone message at 310-569-0106 or sending an email to [email protected]. I try to respond within 24 hours to arrange a time for a phone call. Once we make an appointment, we will meet at my office: 11911 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 280, Los Angeles CA 90049.
Andrea von Troschke, MFT, ATR, BCPC (License MFC 45893) Marriage and Family Therapist, Art Therapist Registered, Board Certified Professional Counselor